McHenry Chamber of Commerce

The McHenry Area Chamber serves area residents and its 650+ members by providing services and programs to enhance the growth and development of the local business community, as well as to improve the quality of life for those who live and work in the greater McHenry Area.

What is Working In Business: McHenry Chamber of Commerce

The McHenry Chamber of Commerce is home to almost 600 active businesses and organizations. We asked our newest members what is working in their businesses right now. See what they shared and see what could work for your business too!

Upgrading the Customer Experience

Erik Berg – Renew Cabinets and Interiors

I have been focusing on value added products and services to enhance the cabinet refinishing side of my business. Customers can opt for add-ons such as soft close features, organizers, under cabinet lighting, cabinet trims and moldings, new hardware and more. This increases my total sale and creates an end product that my clients love.

Growing a Network Through Community Presence

James Underwood – Underwood & Draegert – Goosehead Insurance

With no one answering phones, checking email, or reading the mail – we’ve had to rely on word of mouth & community presence (Chamber events and social media), to help expand our client base. By connecting with other business owners, not to solicit to but instead to become cheerleaders for each other, we’ve been able to increase our recognition & grow our business.

Standing Out Through Superior Customer Service

Laurie Rickert – The Doggie Paddle

I feel customer service is very important. I take care of my customers and their dogs as if they were my own. Safety and cleanliness are key as well since my priority is making sure I can offer the best place for your dogs to be happy, have fun and be safe while doing so. I want people and their dogs to feel comfortable and be treated like family.

Getting Professional Business Support

Katie Portanova – Truly Italy, LLC 

I decided to ask for more help. I hired a business consultant and a social media manager. Being a solopreneur, it’s always hard to rely on others. I’m glad that I listened to my gut and allowed others to help me develop my business.

Getting Creative With Advertising Dollars

Jim Wojdyla – Volo Museum

The biggest thing we have done is pull from our advertising budget. Instead of spending the majority on TV, we have reinvested into the community. Sponsoring events, car shows, girl scouts, high school football teams and local radio station promotions seems to be serving very effectively. We tried hosting several “out of the box” events instead, like a princess superhero day. We got a ton of press and media attention (PR is free) and brought a lot of new potential customers to our location.

Tapping into Connections

Ryan Los – Fairway Independent Mortgage

What’s working in my business right now is tapping into my referral network, social sphere of influence, and social media. Everything is driven online!

Investing in Staff Members

Lindsay Schoenherr – Just For You Treats

As a busy bakery with a growing clientele, we’ve needed to add more staff this year than there seems to be available.  We’ve tapped into our local youth and started hiring and training 15–16-year-old students who have been extremely reliable, talented, dependable and driven.  It also feels great to see their growth in learning valuable skills that will help grow our community!

Narrowing Focus on Key Performers

Erica Burke  – McHenry County Living

When was the last time you dedicated time to working “on” rather than just “in” your business? I didn’t allow myself to work “on” my business until the pandemic forced me to either do that or close. First, I pared down our work to a few key solutions at which we excel versus being everything to everyone like before. Second, I worked on improving how we communicate and connect with people. We achieved a healthy bottom line and we feel good about our reputation in the community.

Increasing In-Person Events and Relationships

Robin Walker – Women’s Business Workshop

In-person networking, events, and relationship building has been providing a more powerful and more cost effective way of getting visibility over social media lately. It takes effort to get out of the office, host events, or set up meetings, but the time spent has been more fulfilling and has created stronger connections.

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