Lynn Gale

Lynn is a Independent OPTAVIA Coach & owner of Gale Force Health

Create a Positive Environment & Maintaining Your Physical Health

Welcome to 2022! To kick off the new year with a strong start, I like to ensure my surroundings are healthy, positive, and ready to take on anything.

Creating an environment that’s positive and conducive to change can aid in setting the tone for the new year and formulating those healthy habits.

Here are some pointers on how to create a positive environment and a climate that is conducive to change:

  • Control your environment. Controlling your environment means equipping it with everything you need to succeed in implementing the change that you want. It is more than removing temptations; it’s about replacing old habits with new, more effective ones. For example, try setting an alarm on your phone for reminders to fuel your body, drink water, and practice mindfulness.
  • Try task association. Task association is a way to train your brain to complete a task automatically. Light a scented candle at night while practicing mindfulness. Each time you do, your mind will associate that task with that scent. This can also be practiced in other ways. For example, if you frequently eat at your desk, remove all snacks from your desk to associate your desk as a place of work, not to eat.
  • Establish a support system. All of these tasks are more challenging when you don’t have support. Continue to build your health bubble and promote wellness by sharing your journey with your loved ones. When others are aware of the lifestyle that you are leading, they will likely align themselves with you or be considerate of your healthy efforts.

Sleep is also essential to maintaining physical health, brain function, and emotional wellbeing.

How you feel when you are awake is often due to the quality of sleep you had the night before, or days prior. Your body uses sleep to replenish nutrients, refresh your body, and process information. Clocking the correct hours of sleep each night is ESSENTIAL to success on plan.

If you’re curious about some best practices for ensuring a solid night of sleep, consider these tips:

  • Adhere to a sleep schedule. Following a sleep schedule helps the body find its natural rhythm and settle into a regular cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up. In contrast, an irregular sleep schedule can cause irritability, drowsiness, and mood swings. Don’t forget that -weekends apply too, as your body may have a difficult time adjusting if your weekend schedule is drastically different from your weekday routine.
  • Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant and promotes alertness. It can also affect the quality of your sleep, so do your best to avoid caffeine after 2 PM. At nighttime, try a cup of chamomile or lavender tea with lemon.
  • Relax before bedtime. Take a bath or listen to soothing music to activate relaxation and prepare your body for sleep. Avoid all electronics, including texting and using the computer an hour or so before bedtime. Falling asleep with the TV on is also an unhealthy habit.
  • Create an optimal sleep environment. Your bedroom should be dark, quiet, and at a moderate, cooler temperature. If you live in a city with loud traffic or in the country with buzzing bugs, try using a white noise machine to mask loud noises and enhance relaxation.
Lynn Gale
Independent OPTAVIA Coach
  • Mercy Health
  • Northwestern Medicine
  • Natural Therapy Wellness Center

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