Kay Bates Profile

Kay’s View

Kay Rial Bates serves as President of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce.

Growing Intentionally

None of us are interested in living mediocre lives.  To avoid, we must strive to allow ourselves to grow to become successful professionals and winning people. However, growth requires change and change is hard for most of us. That is because change causes us to stretch and pull.  It is difficult, but growth through change can happen.

To grow, we need to determine first whom do we want to be in the future, 5 years, 10 years, 30 years out. How do we get there? What steps need to be made?

Is there a beginning and an end to achieving our goals?  This is easy to answer – Never.  Growth never ends; we all need to keep moving forward to become all we can be, to achieve our purpose in life.  In order to change, there must be a sense of urgency.  Avoid the phrase “I will do it later.”  Later is not a good word.  If you hear yourself saying phrases such as; “I will get my education next year.  I will quit smoking next week.  I will schedule a visit after the holidays with Small Business Development Center” – watch out.   Later never allows people to grow.  The familiar is so comfortable, but not change.  Change requires courage.  It requires our all in taking steps forward.

Face our fears. We all have them.  Whether fear of failure, loss of security, financial fears or people fears,  every one of us has fears, but they need to be conquered if we want to change.  Do not feed (dwell) on your fears.  Starve them.  Hang on to faith in your future. This faith will grow as you move forward from successful growth to greater successful growth.

Growth that changes people for the better needs to be intentional not accidental (letting life just happen). The chart below is borrowed from John Maxwell of John Maxwell Co, well-known leadership coach. The chart shows the difference between accidental growth, just letting life happen, to intentional growth, managing one’s upward development.

Accidental GrowthIntentional Growth
• Falls into Bad Habits
• Plans to Start Tomorrow
• Waits for Growth to Come
• Learns Only From Mistakes
• Depends on Good Luck
• Quits Early and Often
• Talks Big
• Plays It Safe
• Thinks Like a Victim
• Relies on Talent
• Stops Learning
• Cultivates Good Habits
• Starts Today
• Manages Growth
• Often Learns Before Mistakes
• Relies on Hard Work
• Perseveres
• Follows Through
• Takes Risks
• Thinks Like a Learner
• Relies on Character
• Never Stops Learning

We can chose to have a vibrant, ever changing, growing life or a life of frustration.  Per John Maxwell, “Seize growth opportunities as if your future depends on it.  It does.”

  • Mercy Health
  • Natural Therapy Wellness Center
  • Northwestern Medicine

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